
Site Update

Hey fags, admin here. You'll notice that the site has been slapped by a neon turd, it was purposely made to annoy the fuck out of all of you.
You may experience sezuires, the frequency rate of the flashing was chosen to harden 'you' (the reader) the fuck up - It doesn't comply to seizure safe timing. Also, watch this segment of pokemon.

Ed: Also watch this one, and reflect.\

Bonus Quote of the Now:



Anonymous said...

web 3.0 is here

ps needs moar babies

Admin said...

removed black edges.

after living with it for a day think the rss and youtube links further could go down the sidebar? let the babies and stuff be on top.

and after living with it for a week i think i'm going to want to stab my eyes out. but that's just were the internet has lead...

flashing neon. if your brain can't take it then read a fucking book.

scaredofbabies said...

moar babies!

Anonymous said...

fuck!! im gonna get you pregnant boy.
the flashing gotta stop.

Admin said...

I'm loving the babies.

I'll take full responsibility for the flashing debacle. I thought the world was ready. I was wrong.

Even the flashing baby bouncer is hurting my brain's feelings still a little. But I don't want our HAB4U webmaster to quit in a rage, so it can continue to flash until he has recovered.

Once he HAS recovered we will discuss both removing the flashing and expanding the bouncing baby widget into a fully interactive MMORPG style environment that spans the entire sidebar.

You'll be able to log in, build baby avatars, and collect hab4u tokens for use in our store. You'll also be able to kill and make out with other babies. It should be in beta by late October. If you'd like an alpha testers account then get in contact.

Thanks from the HAB4U team.

scaredofbabies said...


Is that "im gonna get you, pregnant-boy" OR "im gonna get you pregnant, boy".

There's a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

going full screen with all these babies actually bumps my processor load up a noticeable percentage.

but just to be clear, if there was some way for me to have 100x as many babies I would gladly upgrade my computer, and keep it overclocked and locked in a vat of coolant if that was what was necessary.

scaredofbabies said...

I'm totally stoked with the current layout. Bitches THIS is web 4.0. It's a mutli-nodal baby-scape, and I've caught the fever.