
Megabytes, Gigabytes, Hoarded by Ungrateful Immigrants.


Not content with talking in some primitive squid language, clogging up my airport security with their uncomprehending fumbling, and owning and operating moderately successful small retail businesses, immigrants are at it again. You may have noticed that your internet has been distressingly slow lately. Or you may have noticed that it's actually got a bit faster. What you probably haven't noticed, because they're gone, is the literally millions of megabytes that immigrants have been hoarding away under their beds in their foreign storage arrays.

These people are taking KBs out of your children's mouths. And since the main-stream media is unable, or unwilling, to talk about the problem I'm having to call shenanigans. Over the coming weeks I will explore every aspect of this conspiracy, from complicit ISPs through to corrupt customs officials who turn a blind eye to the stream of SATA drives leaving New Zealand every single day.

In the meantime, I implore every member of the HAB4U community to contact their MP about this creeping datafacism. More updates to come.


Anonymous said...

as an immigrants, we have needed more rites. national govt. now wanhts to cripple our peoples rites.
pleeze post this when you have oppourtunities. thanks.


Nah just kidding, i can speak english.

Admin said...

HAB4U's editorial stance is actually in favour of open immigration. The locals here are dumb as shit.

All we ask is that you crazy foreign cats clear out your browser caches once in a while.

Seriously. Leave some bytes for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

these filthy barstards and their conservative muslim faiths is always stealing the cumshots from my porn downloads

Anonymous said...

This blog needs more blogging... get the fuck off /b/ and write something...

scaredofbabies said...

/b/? i'd only ever go to nzchan. because it's sooooooooo ROFLRANDOMAS there's even pics of Helen Clark with a PENIS!!! LOLWOT? HAHAHA. And that shit's totally relevant still. Obviously.

Also the threads move reaaaalllyy fast. And astroturfing them drives SOOOO much traffic.

Na seriously though nzchan, you dicks and your server is a fucking waste of space.