
Introducing the TURDUCKEN

The hallmark of a great civilization... Emancipation? Universal suffrage? Indoor plumbing? Freedom of speech?I used to think it might be one of those. That was until I laid my eyes on the TURDUCKEN:

Yes, that is a chicken, in a duck, in a turkey.

You know that you're living in a great age when the average citizen can mail order one of these bad boys over the Internet.

Extra points go to the French for taking it to the next level. Perhaps the only way to beat that would be a sparrow, stuffed in a kiwi, stuffed in a puppy, stuffed in a dog, stuffed in a dolphin.


Anonymous said...

it doesn't look so very delicious in that shot

Anonymous said...

hey intern, dr roparty is the turducken authority round these parts. you really should have consulted him pre post. dont make me tell the boss of the internet.

Master Scoundrel said...

right... is Dr. Roparty also the authority on what kind of Windows client I should use for this blogger site... because that would be more useful to me...

I asked the boss of the internet... but he doesn't use windows... he just posts with his mind or something

Anonymous said...

all the cool kids use windows live writer. by cool i mean too lazy to find a less shameful client. i tried scribefire for a while, but too many f.fox add ons are lame.

im not even sure if macs can 'get on' the net, so dont ask that poser.

Anonymous said...

to use scribefire you need windows live writer anyways. you're right about the too many plugins, that one slows you the fuck down. WLW has plugins for fickr upload aswell

Master Scoundrel said...

thanks for the IT support guys...

also, I don't understand why everyone seems to find the image so repulsive... I thinks you all just lack imagination.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Tommy Carcetti, I can't cook chickens by glaring at them.

Master Scoundrel said...

10 points anon. this thread has been jonesing for a wire reference since it's inception.

Anonymous said...

i love eating animals out of other animals mmmm