
NEW DAWN Haults in the Face of Rampant Google Sabotage

Right now everything I do on any site that has anything to do with google, except google, is hanging and jumping and stalling and taking fucking YEARZ. It's almost like Telecom NZ is TRAFFIC SHAPING MY GOOGLE STUFF. And trust me, you wont be reading that in the toothless, cowering, rimfest known as any and every New Zealand tech blog ever.

The whole situation got me wound up enough that I made the following comment on someone's youtube video:

oh jesus christ are those beards on one of your faces? or just shit? because if beards then there is no hope for your souls. like, if you could have any non-troll part of this at an age where you can produce pubes of any sort then you are just waaay waaaaay too fucked to even imagine living. so kill yourself.

As you can see, I'm kind of proud of that one. With that off my chest I descended into the bowel of the internet. But all I found was Boxxy. Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Damn you scaredofbabies... the cancer that is killing HAB4U

Anonymous said...

yeah well done. this girl is basically ripping /b/ apart. with any luck she will succeed. although i looked earlier today and maybe it's all over already.

best thing is her ability to instantly enrage and confuse self-doubting camwhores.

Anonymous said...


double nigger

Anonymous said...

Oh my god like totally, like ah, and um, such as and stuff, uh like totally, and umm yeah, lets see here, so yeah, it's like ahhh like ummm, but um. YeAH!
